Tuesday, April 9, 2013


baru tadi pagi buka utp.edu.my utk cek dapat ka tidak utk utp.

alhamdulillah dengan rahmat allah aku dapat menghadiri temuduga d hotel taha d'bayu kota kinabalu.

seriously aku sangat excited sbb firstly this is my first interview for something serious.

subahanallah gementar aku pikir pasal interview ni,ramai lagi kawan sovereigns yg dapat ni interview,aku harap most of us lulus ni interview.goodluck all of you!

need to brush up on everything now aiyaa so confusing.in shaa allah 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Here's Capu !

Wow,i haven't updated this blog since like forever.
considering it's like a hassle to me,this blog,i think it's fair.

a helleva stuff happened to me over the past year,some new friends,new enemies,new people i had to avoid,but all's well that ends well.

so i got my spm result and to me it's very sad that i got stuck at bm (B-,THANK EFFING YOU FOR GRADING MINE WHOEVER YOU ARE) so i didn't get straight As
my spm results
BM- B-
islamic studies- A
history- A+
mathematics- A
additional mathematics- A+
biology- A+
chemistry- A-
physics- A-
1119(GCE-O)- 1A

I'm not very proud of my result,and honestly,kind of disappointing .That's why i'm trying to believe god has something better for me and i hope that something better is a scholarship that can get me studying what i love overseas and can get me a job quickly after graduating.

And now another waiting game is going on.If i'm fated to study in the country i would really love to study at universiti teknologi petronas and then hopefully work for petronas after graduating and if overseas,well hopefully it's either in europe or japan.
until then.

Friday, January 27, 2012

what i want to be in the future?

seriously,i've given it thought and considered many occupations that i might take up.

first when i was in primary 2 i decided to become a scientist

then in primary 5-6 i decided to become an astronomer,because at that time i was sooo fascinated about stars and planets .

after that i feel in love with biotechnology,which i'm still considering as my profession d^^b
i got interested with this because of B.O.Ws or biotechnology weapons as seen in resident evil.wouldn't it be cool if a zombie pandemic breaks out !! haha

then i got interested in being a composer because i love music

then in form 3 i got interested in virology
because of resident evil of course !

then in form 4 i got interested in becoming a doctor
because i wanted to go and help a country that is in need of medical help

then i wanted to become a chemical engineer
because i loooove chemistry

then i begun to like biology
so i decided to take up biochemical engineering(the hell's the differences anyway?)

all in all i'm still not sure what i want to be and hopefully i can make up my mind before SPM ,the dreaded exam

those long days have gone now i need to tilt my head up high and face the future,and you should too !! :D good day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

i'll always be waiting

i'll always be waiting,

waiting for you in the end of this road,

even if you will never walk down this road,

i will always be waiting,

until my body turns into ashes.

i'll always be waiting,

even if others say it's stupid and pointless,

waiting for someone who will never come,

but my faith keeps me on,

my faith gives me the energy to stand in the end of this road,

this lonely road,

waiting,just waiting.

Friday, December 30, 2011

3 cheers for 2011


today is the eve of new year . HAPPY ? SAD ? FLUSTERED ?

Bnyk yg t'jadi thun ni . aku masuk Sekolah sains as form 4 bru , conflict ngan c dia skli lg , tukar

tukar sekolah go to smesh !

though not what i had hoped for ,this year is somewhat full of bitterness but it also has its fair

share of sweetness. BEST sgt thun ni ,aq meet org bru,yg bitchie2 ;) yg tlh ajar aku bnyk

perkara,skandal taha aku tahun ni smpi ndak tahan ,

masa masuk semsald tu mmg awkward talahae ,lps tu pindah iskool pg smesh d kk

cni aq amat suka ngan batch form 4 ,walaupun bleh la dikatakan delinquent ( no offence :) )

but aku amat suka , carefree ,happy2 semua :)

just to say i really love you guys :D love me back ? chatzzzzz !! minta push

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

akhirnya!skaf Ravenclaw siap

setelah 3 hari buat skaf menggunakan teknik yg memerlukan straw akhir nya siap gak aq pnya

skaf,bahagia sgt.

puas hati la jgak ngan result,sbb ni first time buat and it turned out to be really nice

although shorter since aq potong ckit sbb x tahan sua nak buat (asal pnjng dia 1.88++ O_O)

gilaa!!! ni pic.


nmpk sua ckit corak dia

pnjg sua hehe :D

ambil kira2 7 jam utk smpi pnjg gni

siap !!!!

ambil masa 3 hari sbb benang xcukup,klu ckup mgkn kira2 2 setengah hari jak siap

klu nak tutorial ni link nya,aq bljr dri cni gak :D best of luck

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Review novel-->abang Khai Tomboi

Novel ni bru habis bca kemarin,malas nak bwat blog sbb tgh bwat projek(nnti di bwat kan blog tuk tu haha)

OKay novel ni best utk org yg suka bca novel2 yg kira santai.ni dia pnya cover belakang plak

Citer ni in summart tentang Rizal yg bru jak kehilangan abang dia,

abang dia telah mewasiatkan kepada c rizal ni utk jga 3 org anak dia,Along,Angah ngan Adik .

Along yg b'masalah sejak kematian bapa dia

Angah yg tomboi

dan adik yg masih kecil kiut2 gtu.

Novel ni has an okay character built up.sebabnya, hanya Along,angah ,rizal ngan Khai yg ada

character built up yg ketara.

Story plot Bolehla jgak but seriously x saspen langsung,bolehla letak 1-2 more antagonist ,klu

letak satu jak mmg ketara la siapa yg jahat.

choice of words . bagus gak.aq rate 7.5/10. ni sbb byk sgt ayat merepek atau hiperbola yg

merepek ,this somehow makes me uninterested in the novel but the story plot and the jokes

fitted in it keeps me reading.

Yg aq xsuka pasal novel ni,for an investigation/love novel ni pasal kekurangan saspen

sure ia novel santai tp mana boleh klu saspen level t'lalu rendah .

second thing yg aq x suka mcm tu di atas tu la,merepek x habis2,itu la ini la,but still bearable .

all in all ,novel ni mmg best ! aq rekomen sgt korang bli,